
Annals of Nuclear Medicine


1. Editorial Policy
Annals of Nuclear Medicine (Ann Nucl Med) publishes articles concerned with clinical application of radioisotopes and related subjects. Manuscripts should be written in English. Seven types of articles are considered for publication: original articles, case reports, short communications, technical notes, review articles, letters to the editor, and others.
1) Original articles should be reports of completed original investigations.
2) Case reports are brief descriptions of cases of interest, in which a nuclear medicine procedure plays an important role that has not been established.
3) Short communications should be brief manuscripts of important original but fragmentary studies
4) Technical notes are reports of practical importance that deal with experiences and observations of new or modified technology.
5) Review articles on selected subjects.
6) Letters to the editor are for questions and controversial opinions on published articles, etc. Replies to letters may be published at the editor’s discretion.
7) Others: Commentary, Data, Topics, News, Report, etc.
Manuscripts except for review articles must be original, including figures, illustrations, photos and tables, and not under consideration by another publication.

2. Manuscript Submission via Editorial Manager

Authors should submit their manuscripts to Annals of Nuclear Medicine online. Please log in directly at: and upload your manuscript following the instructions given. In case you encounter any difficulties while submitting your manuscript online, click on Help in the upper
left corner.
Because this journal follows the double-blind review policy, author information must not be included in the manuscript. Authors should submit a title page and manuscript separately.

1)Editorial Manager Requirements
Windows or Macintosh computer capable of running Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or later, and either Internet Explorer 5.0 or later or Netscape 7 or later
Electronic file of the covering letter
Electronic file of the title page
Electronic file of the manuscript text
Electronic files of the manuscript figures and illustrations
2)Author Accounts
Authors entering the journal’s Editorial Manager site can either create a new account or use an existing one. When you have an existing account, use it for all your submissions; you can track their status on the same page.
If you have forgotten your user name and password, please click the link “Send User name/ Password” and enter your mail address. You will then receive an automatic e-mail with your user name and password. Alternatively, please create a new account and then follow the instructions given on the screen.

3)Getting Started
Once you have logged into your account, Editorial Manager will lead you through the submission process in an orderly, step-by-step process. If you cannot finish your submission in one visit, you can save a draft and re-enter
the process later at the same point for that manuscript.
While submitting your electronic manuscript, you will be required to enter data about your manuscript in the system. These include full title, author names and affiliations, and so forth, as listed below under Preparation of
Manuscript. Support for special characters is available. At any point during this process, there are Help buttons available for frequently asked questions.

4)Uploading Files
Covering letter: Upload a cover letter separately from the manuscript text.
Title page: Upload a title page separately from the manuscript text.
Manuscript text: Manuscript text of articles should be uploaded in rich text format (RTF) or as a Microsoft Word document (.doc).
Tables: Use the table functions of your word-processing program, not spreadsheets, to make tables. Tables may be uploaded separately from the manuscript text or inserted into the manuscript text.
Figures: Common graphic files such as GIF, JPEG, EPS, and TIFF are supported. Please upload figures that are satisfactory for the review process.
If your manuscript is accepted for publication, you will be required to provide
figures/illustrations of sufficient quality for printing according to Requirements
for Electronically Produced Illustrations for Accepted Papers toward the end of this document.
After uploading the parts of the article in this manner, the system will convert the files to PDF format. You can view the result of the conversion with Adobe Acrobat Reader. You will also be notified by e-mail that your submission
was successful.
At any point during this process, there are Help buttons available to see frequently asked questions.
If the total size of the files exceeds the file volume (20 MB) for online submission, reduce the resolution of large files for initial submission.

5)Keeping Track
After submission, you may return periodically and monitor the progress of your submission through the review process.

3. Review Procedure
Submitted manuscripts are reviewed for content on the basis of originality,
significance and adequacy of documentation. All manuscripts judged
suitable for review by the editorial staff are reviewed by a minimum of
two referees. Accepted manuscripts are subject to editorial revision for
scientific accuracy and for clarity of English expression.

4. Preparation of Manuscript
1) Manuscript Format
Begin each manuscript component on a new page in the following order:
title page, abstract, text, footnotes, acknowledgments, references, figures, tables
(each on a separate page), and legends.
(1) Every page must be typewritten on one side, double-spaced leaving
a 3cm margin on all sides.
(2) Reference numbers in the text should be in parentheses.
(3) Number pages consecutively, beginning with Abstract. Type the page number in the upper righthand corner of each page.
(4) Paragraphs should begin with an indentation of at least five spaces.

2) Title Page
The title page should include the forenames, surnames, and if available, middle initials of all authors; their affiliations; complete mailing address, telephone number, postal code, facsimile number and e-mail address of the principal author responsible for correspondence and reprints; the type of article; and any
footnotes referring to the title (marked with an asterisk).
3) Abstract
The abstract should contain a maximum of 350 words and include four
clearly identifiable elements of content: objective, methods, results and
conclusions. Three to five key words should be submitted with the abstract.
4) Text
The text (except for case reports and reviews) should be arranged under
the following headings: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and
5) References
References must be typed double-spaced on a separate sheet and numbered
consecutively as they are cited in the text, tables and figures. When
there are more than six authors, the additional authors should be listed as
“et al.” The Journal uses the Vancouver style for references. Journal
names are abbreviated according to the list of journals indexed in Index
Medicus. Do not cite abstracts that are older than two years. Sample
references are:

1. Tatsumi M, Yutani K, Watanabe Y, Miyoshi S, Tomoyama N,
Johkoh T, et al. Feasibility of fluorodeoxyglucose dual-head
gamma camera coincidence imaging in the evaluation of lung
cancer: Comparison with FDG-PET. J Nucl Med 1999; 40:
2. Nishimura T. Fatty acid analogs. In: Nuclear Cardiology, Zaret BL,
Beller GA (eds), St. Louis: Mosby; 1999. p. 72–87.
3. Yonekura Y, Magata Y, Konishi J. Clinical diagnostic system using
a small cyclotron for medical use. In proceedings of the 2nd
International Symposium on Advanced Nuclear Energy Research-
Evolution by Accelerators. Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute,
1990; 526–31.
4. Narula J, Petrov A, Kolodgie FD, Acio ER, Snyder G, Tait JF,
et al. Transient sarcolemmal phosphatidyl serine expression as a marker
of brief ischemia: An evaluation by 99mTc-Annexin-V imaging.
[abstract] J Nucl Med 2000; 41 (Suppl): p173.

Personal communications, unpublished data, manuscripts in preparation or
manuscripts submitted for publication are not acceptable in the references
but may be cited parenthetically in the text.
6) Tables
Tables should be cited in the text. Each table should be given a number
and a brief informative title and should appear on a separate page. Draw
horizontal lines below the title, below column headings and at the end of
the table. Do not use vertical lines.
7) Illustrations
All figures whether photographs, graphs or diagrams, should be numbered consecutively and cited in order in the text. The number and size of
the illustrations must be kept to the minimum required for clarification of
the text. Figures of inferior quality will be returned to the author for correction
and replacement. Authors are responsible for the costs of color reproduction
(\110,000 for the first and \60,000 for each additional page).
8) Legends for Illustrations
Submit a separate page of legends with descriptive paragraphs for each
figure, typed double-spaced in numerical order with an Arabic number
following the word Figure.
9) Abbreviations and Units
Abbreviations in the text must be used only after having been initially explained, unless they are common, easily recognizable ones such as cm, ml,
g, min, sec, Bq, Gy, Sv, R, etc. Nomenclature, units, and abbreviations
should conform to IUPAC recommendations and the Système Internationale
(SI). Chemical formulae follow the recommendation of the American
Chemical Society.
10) Acknowledgments
Acknowledge persons or agencies contributing substantially to the work,
including any grant support.

5. Requirements for Electronically Produced
Illustrations for Accepted Papers
After acceptance of the manuscript, the publisher requires figure files prepared according to the following specifications.

The preferred figure formats are EPS for vector graphics exported from a drawing program and TIFF for halftone illustrations. EPS files must always contain a preview of the figure in TIFF format.
The file name (one file for each figure) should include the figure number. Figure legends should be included in the text and not in the figure file.
To create an EPS or a TIFF file, please use graphic programs such as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia Freehand, Corel Draw or Corel Photopaint.

Almost all common graphic programs are capable of saving files in EPS and in TIFF format. This option can normally be found under the “Save As . . .” or “Export . . .” commands in the “File” menu.
– Scan resolution
Scanned line drawings should be digitized with a minimum resolution of 800 dpi relative to the final figure size. For digital halftones, 300 dpi is usually sufficient.
– Color illustrations
Store color illustrations as RGB (8 bits per
channel) in TIFF format
– Vector graphics
Fonts used in vector graphics must be included or outlined. Please do not use hairlines. The minimum line width is 0.2 mm (i.e.,0.567 pt) relative to the final size.

3)General Information on Data Delivery
Please send us files by the following methods.
• By e-mail: (suitable only
for small volumes of data)
• Via postal mail on a CD-ROM or MOD
(230/640 MB)

4)Mailing Address

“Annals of Nuclear Medicine”
The Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine,
c/o Japan Radioisotope Association,
2–28–45, Honkomagome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113–0021, Japan.
Facsimile number for other communication is 81–3–3947–2535.

Please always supply the journal title, operating system, drawing program, image-processing program, and compression program with your data. For the file name, please use the manuscript ID Use only the extensions that the program assigns automatically.

6. Proofs and Offprints
The first proofreading is the author’s responsibility. The minimum reprint
order is one hundred. An order form and price list for offprints will be sent
to the corresponding author with the first proof.

7. Additional Page Charge
Papers no longer than four printed pages (including figures and tables)
are published free of charge. Charges for additional pages and plate making
for figures will be sent to the principal author. Estimation of the approximate
charges may be made upon the author’s written request.

8. Charge for English Editing
Accepted manuscripts may be copyedited for a charge of \2,000 per page at the editor’s discretion.

(revised in June 2007)